Window Repair & Restoration
NewView Technologies, Inc. is an FAA Certified Repair Station, numbered NU7R875N, established in July 1997.
NewView is one of very few companies in the world that can perform extensive window repair services in lieu of replacing windows in your aircraft. These repair/restorative services can be performed in our facilities in either Oshkosh or Appleton, WI. Additionally, our window expert is mobile and can travel to your location to enact repairs as needed.
NewView’s window services include:
- Failed surface coating removal and polishing on cabin windows
- Navigation and landing light lenses surface cleaning and polishing
- Damage removal and polishing completed to approved data for cabin windows, windshields, cockpit side windows, navigation light lenses and landing light lenses.
- Polishing of interior cabin acrylics and removal of light damage.
These services are available to Air Carrier, Regional Air Carrier, Corporate Aviation Service Centers, private owner/operators and MRO centers.
NewView is factory-certified by both Gulfstream and Bombardier. Our approved Process Specification is used for specialty work.